1:1 meetings.

Redesigned to provide visually rich 1:1 experience for employees

Lyearn · 2023

Our goal was to make 1:1 meetings more contextual and meaningful to enhance engagement.The revamp enabled users to set focused agendas, take relevant notes, create tasks, access employee key information upfront, and align priorities with company goals.

The redesigned 1:1's helped to reduce the administrative tasks, which allowed users to focus on what truly matters, significantly improving satisfaction and engagement with Lyearn's 1:1 feature.



3 weeks


IC Product Designer


1:1 connection detail page.

1:1 meeting experience page.

new 1:1 connection set up.

better follow-ups and accountability.

We added a Recap tab in the sidebar for quick access to past meetings, reducing the need to open new tabs or leave the current 1:1 session.

To address unfinished agenda items and ensure important discussions aren’t missed, we’ve made it easy to transfer these items to the next 1:1 meeting or include them from the Recap tab.

evolution of recap tab in sidebar.

move unaddressed items to next 1:1.

improved context, easier organization, and better access.

We added a sidebar in the 1:1 UI for immediate access to reportees' tasks, OKRs, activities, mindset, and skills, and enabled attaching specific components or files within agenda items.

We enabled managers to create or customize 1:1 meeting templates for consistent use across the organization.

create new or add predefined 1:1 templates



